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Compiler Design. The Book Presents The Concepts In A Clear And Concise Manner And Simple Language. The Book Discusses Design Issues For Phases Of Compiler In Substantial Depth. The Stress Is More On Problem Solving. The Solution To Substantial Number Of Unsolved Problems From Other Standard Textbooks Is Given. Compiler Design Notes pdf – CD pdf notes – CD notes pdf file to download are listed below please check it –. Note:- These notes are according to the R09 Syllabus book of JNTU.In R13 and R15,8-units of R09 syllabus are combined into 5-units in R13 and R15 syllabus. If you have any doubts please refer to the JNTU Syllabus Book.

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Articles ListSearch by Paper Title, Abstract, AuthorsTotal Papers: 17233TitleAuthorsAbstractStudy on the Financial Analysis of the ServalakshmiPaper Limited in Coimbatore. Published in Published byDr.S.Bama,SHENBAGAM KANNAPPANThe financial health of a company is determined by not only the values shown on the financial statementsbut also the relationship among these values. Financial statements and ratio analysis these relationshipsare known as financial ratios. Good paper mill financial management includes monitoring the critical financial ratios andcomparing them to other companies in the industry. We look at ratios that are commonly used to measure the performance of the company, regardless of its industrial segment. Where necessary these ratios are adapted to the uniquecharacteristics found in the paper mill industry. As suggested earlier, various users approach financial statements analysiswith many different objectives.

Creditors are interested in whether a company will be able to repay its debts on time.Both creditors and stockholders are concerned with how the company is financed, whether through Debt, equity, orearnings.Stockholders and potential investors analyze past earnings performance and dividend policy for clues to the future value of their investments. In addition to using internally generated data to analyze operations, company managersfind much information prepared for external purposes useful for examining past operations and planning future policies.The study covers a period of 6 years from 2009 -2010 to 2013 -2014. The secondary data were extracted from the published annual reports of the study units for a period of six years. The data have been analyzed with the help of differentaccounting and statistical techniques such as ratio analysis.This financial analysis involves studying various relationshipsbetween different items reported in a set of financial statements.

This research evaluates to a firms financial statementsin order to point out the strengths and weaknesses of the firm, and the areas that need improvement. The researcherhas suggested suitable measures to improve the efficiency of the financial analysis of the paper mills.A Finite-Volume Method in General Curvilinear Coordinates for Simulation of Blood Flow past a Stenosed Artery published in Published by Azad University Majlesi BranchS. Pasha Zanous., R.

Shafaghat, Q. EsmailiIn this study, the?ow characteristics through symmetric stenosis artery are investigated.

The shape of eccentricity for stenotic?ows is limited by circular-cross sections and plaques usually assumed to be oriented concentrically. The governing equations are the usual Navier-Stokes equations and are numerically solved by using finite volume method in arbitrary orthogonal curvilinear coordinates.

In addition, three-dimensional (3D) elliptic grid is presented, which the generating system is based on the solution of a partial differential system. To prevent serious distortion or overlapping of mesh lines, grid regularity is verified by some controlling parameter like Skewness value and maximum grid aspect ratio (MAR).

The main objective of the present study is to investigate different degrees of the stenosis (45%, 55%, 65%, and 75% by area reduction) and finding the critical one playing a significant role in the development of forming sediment in the vessel wall. It is shown that the magnitude of inlet Reynolds number has strong relationship with the velocity, pressure, and wall shear stress (WSS) distributions as expected. The most important conclusion obtained from this model is the high WSS, pressure drop, and formation of large recirculation regions found in the downstream of the stenosis, especially in the case of severe stenosis that could create various pathological diseases.SAFETY MARGIN OF COSMETICS: A REVIEW published in Published by Dr. Valentina PetkovaPraveen Nasa.Cosmetics are daily used products. Everybody use cosmetics in one orother forms. Almost all of the cosmetics used by humans caused a lotof adverse effects. These adverse effects are mainly due to theingredients added in the cosmetics.

These ingredients are mainly addedas preservative, stabilizer, fragrance and coloring agent. But theseingredients entered into the body by penetrating the skin. However theserious adverse effects occurred on long term use of these ingredients.These adverse effects mainly includes cancer and organ systemtoxicity. The main classes of cosmetics which have low margin safetyinclude: shampoos, hair dye, lotions, nail polishes, facial makeup etc.COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT ON THE FINANCIAL - BANKING MARKET OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA published in Published by Trade Co-operative University of Moldova, Publishing HouseElena FUIOR; Ion MAXIMBanking and finance sectors of the Republic of Moldova the same as in other states are of great importance for sustainable development of the whole economy. The existence of normal competitive environment on the banking sector would provide the national economy with necessary inexpensive financial resources and would support the creation of banking and financial systems able to cope with competitive pressures from outside the country. Recent publications regarding the establishment of Moldovan banking sector highlighted several deficiencies in the relevant competitive environment.

In this context, we propose an analysis of the competitive environment on the banking sector of the Republic of Moldova, identifying elements limiting competition and guidelines for the improvement of competitive aspects of Moldovan banking sector taking into account the experience of other countries. The analysis of EU countries experience together with suggested recommendations is expected to stimulate competition in the Moldovan finance sector as well as discourage anti-competitive practices.EXTRACTION OF OIL FROM SEEDS OF FLAX AND SESAME USING PRESSING WITH PRELIMINARY GENTLE HEAT TREATMENT published in Published by International Academy of Theoretical & Applied SciencesEvgeniy Borisovich Medvedkov; Seit Sarsenbaevich Jingilbayev; Lyazzat Kemerbekovna Baybolova; Anna Michailovna AdmayevaStudied the effect pre-hydrothermal and infrared processing flax seeds oil yield when cold pressed. Found that oil extraction is increased, the oil preserved in a large quantity of useful nutrients.A Choice that Transforms Human -A Study of theProtagonist in Veronica Roth’s Divergent. Published in Published bySUVATHIGA GOVINDARAJU, DR.M.LEELAVATHIThis paper explores the protagonist’s quest for identity and her inner conflict towards choosing her ownfaction. She is caught between the desire to choose Dauntless (the brave) and Abnegation (the selfless).Initially the protagonist does not understand what Divergent means or why it is dangerous for others including her.

Sheeventually comes to realize that things are not clear as she expected and also she really might be in danger being Divergent. In Chicago where the protagonist lives, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivationof a particular virtue they are Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful),and Erudite (the intelligent). Children are brought up in their own factions until their 16th year where they chose whichfaction they will spend the rest of their life, never going back.

Beatrice the protagonist makes a choice that surpriseseveryone, including herself. Beatrice choose the one which her parents never expected thereby she was at conflictand this paper focuses more on her conflicts and eventually it projects how she works hard and successfully finishes allher trining to sustain her own faction.TARGETED THERAPY IN CANCERpublished in Published by Dr. Valentina PetkovaYamini P. Parmar., Kavita D. Patil.Cancer is one of the most common causes of death, taking nearly 7 million lives each year worldwide.New cancer targeted therapies that make use the therapeutic antibiodies and small molecules have made treatment more tumor specific and less toxic.

This study defines customer satisfaction CS of Mongolia with the experience of the online market OM by technology acceptance AT. The factors of CS include ease of use, payment security, interactivity, and the quality of the information on the website. The goal of this study is to examine to what extent these 4 factors affect the satisfaction of passengers in Mongolian Airlines MA. The survey was based on 2 airlines the airline Hunnu, the airline MIAT and the data collected from 98 passengers of those airlines. The results show that there are three essential factors interactivity, the security of payment and ease of use, which affects satisfaction with OMs experience in CS in Mongolia. Bayanmunkh Nandinchimeg Ganzorig Munkhjin Tsevegdorj Battsetseg 'A Study of Online Market in Airline: A Case Study in Mongolia' Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 Issue-4, June 2019, URL: Paper URL: Reactions to Local Anesthetics in ClinicalPractice published in Published byPolliana Mihaela Leru,Dumitru Matei,Camelia IonescuIn the light of increasing burden of allergic diseases, drug allergies represent an important problem in clinical practice,with still many unclear aspects.

Local anesthetics are drugs largely used in dental clinical practice, oro-facial surgery, aswell as dermatology and other superficial interventions. Their current use may be associated with risks of adverse reactionsin selected patients, some of them being allergies, with consequences that should be evaluated by an interdisciplinaryapproach.

Local anesthetic medicines are generally well tolerated, but adverse reactions either allergic or non-allergic mayoccur and give rise to problematic situations for patients and doctors. It is recommended that all specialists using localanesthetics, as well as family doctors be aware about the real risk of these drugs, in order to avoid either more severereactions or overestimation of their side effects.Evaluation of Java-Based Platforms for mHealth Solutions published in Published byMabel Vazquez-Briseno, Mariana Mendez-Flores, Elitania Jimenez-Garcia, J.I. Nieto-HipolitoMobile health (mHealth) has recently emerged as an important subsegment of electronic health.

Particularly in developing countries, mHealth has the potential to improve access to healthcare services. An important factor for the adoption and sustained use of mHealth services is related to the availability and effectiveness of mHealth applications. This work focuses on exploring the features of mobile platforms that are especially suited for the development of mHealth applications and services. Results were obtained through an exploratory analysis, a quantitative experiment, and a qualitative evaluation with a focus group. These findings will provide valuable information about mHealth systems for developers, researchers, users, and decision makers.Standardization and Optimization of Initiation, Shooting and Rooting Medium for Patchouli Micro Propagationpublished in Published by IJTSRDDindayal Darunde Swapnil Pandey. Peace is necessary for the development of any society because no society can develop in the state of conflict and insecurity.

Despite the fact that all society are characterized with crime, the need to prevent and control crime in the society has become necessary which lead to the establishment of both formal and informal by the society in order to control the menace of crime and help society achieved social order. The issue of safety of lives and property of the citizens in Nigeria is obviously increasing despite the presence of the formal law enforcement agencies such as the Nigerian police force. In an efforts to curtail the increase rate of crime in the country, the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria provide for the establishment of more security agencies such as the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps NSCDC in order to prevent menace of crime in the society. Against this background, this paper empirically analyze the role of Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps NSCDC in preventing crime in Nigeria with a view assess its achievements and challenges so as to proffer more ways of enhancing its performance in crime prevention. Usman Suleiman Sarki Mansur Ya'u 'The Role of NSCDC in Crime Prevention in Nigeria: Conceptual and Emperical Analysis' Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 Issue-2, February 2019, URL:

Paper URL:— PRIVATE CRYPTOCURRENCY OR MEANS OF PAYMENT OF THE WORLDWIDE AFTER CAPITAL ISM published in Published by Institute of Political and Mediametric StudiesJulia Lskavyan, Alexey FedorovIn this work as authors one of scenarios of development of the worldwide after transition to a post-capitalist state is considered for the present notreceived an extensive discussion in scientific community. In article the description of today’s economic space which is on the verge of disorder anduncertainty is given. The idea of formation of absolutely new world market with the network states in the conditions of globalization is reduced to aquestion of creation of the mechanism of implementation of the international payments. Authors of article see the future behind the cryptocurrencies,capable to provide requirements of already created post-capitalist society. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of gender, self concept, socio economic status of parents and type of school on academic achievement of students in biology in the Calabar municipality.

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280 Senior Secondary School II SSS II students offering biology in their various schools were randomly selected from ten out, of the fifteen schools in the Calabar municipality. Six out of the ten schools were coeducational schools, two were boy's schools and the other two were girl's schools.

Compiler Design Kakade Pdf To Jpg Converter

Eight research questions were formulated to guide the study. Ekwale Emilia Ada 'The Effect of Gender, Self Concept, Socioeconomic Status of Parents and Type of School on Students General Academic Achievement & Students Achievement in Biology' Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 Issue-2, February 2019, URL: Paper URL:

BIOFILM: AN EXTRA POLYMERIC SUBSTANCE ACCOUNTABLEFOR CHRONIC INFECTIONS AND ITS EMERGING LINK WITHPHAGE THERAPY published in Published by Dr. Valentina PetkovaErica Sequeira and Saraswathy N.Biofilm is a group of microorganisms that are embedded in a selfproduced matrix of extracellular polymeric substance. The formationof biofilm occurs in three steps. The unique nature of a bacterialbiofilm makes it a formidable foe to the immune system as well as tomodern medicine. Biofilm is responsible for the chronic infections anddue to the increasing resistance of biofilm to antibiotics, newerapproaches are being researched, phage therapy is one of the promisingtreatments with several advantages. This article reviews on the impactof biofilm, and the role of phages, phage cocktails and the geneticallyengineered phages for removal of biofilm.BIOFERTILIZER OPTIONS IN NUTRIENTMANAGEMENT OF POTATO published in Published byS. JenaHigh dose of fertilizers raises the cost of cultivation of potato.

An experiment was conducted at the Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar during rabi seasons of 2012-13 and 2013-14. Use of biofertilizerswas evaluated as an option in nutrient management for studying growth, yield, nutrient uptake and economics of potato cv.

The yield (28.98 t ha-1) and uptake of nutrients (94.4 kg N ha-1 and 17.1 kg P ha-1) of a crop raised from seed tubers soaked in 1%each of urea and NaHCO3 and biofertilizer treatment (Azotobacter+phosphorus solubilizing bacteria) under 75% of recommended NP wassignificantly higher than that from 100% nutrients from inorganic sources. It also resulted in maximum net return (`55186) and return perrupee investment (2.03) indicating 25% saving of NP over full nutrient application through inorganic sourcesEffect of mycorrhizal inoculation, organic manure and inorganic fertilizerson growth and yield of okra Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench published in Published by Crop and Weed Science societyP. BAIRAGI AND 1M. SHYAMALIn the present experiment the influence of Bio-fertilizer, organic manure and inorganic fertilizers individually and in combinationon okra cv. VRO-6 were tested in a randomized block design with 8 treatments and 3 replications during summer-rainy season of2009-2010. Mycorrhizal application promoted the growth and yield of okra in as all mycorrhizal combinations produced betterresults than sole organic manure and inorganic fertilizers. Results revealed that the combined application of mycorrhiza + 50%organic manure + 50% inorganic fertilizer or mycorrhiza + 75% organic manure +25% inorganic fertilizer produced the highestfruit yield (13.67 t/ha) and its attributes and other morphological characters under study all the treatments.

Sole mycorrhizalapplication did not produce any better results unless it was combined with organic manure and inorganic fertilizers.Most men in India want fair clear skin though there is nothing like that which makes only fair skinnedpeople attractive or smart? Even many dusky toned skins look far more attractive and glamorous than thelighter skinned ones. Still there is a craze here to lighten skin tone and that is why companies come up with differentfairness creams, lotions.

Every product is tagged or claims to do something to lighten your complexion further. Don’tknow whether they actually work or not, but the extent till consumers want to use these products says a lot. This thirstof men towards fairness cream has created a great demand and has motivated many FMCG firms to produce fairnesscream for men.”Confidence comes from education. It comes from a sense of accomplishment. It's stupid to think thatcreams will make one confident, but still various factors influence young men towards the usage of fairness creams.The study aims in finding out the preference level of men towards fairness cream and the factors motivating them topurchase such cream. A pilot study was conducted initially and changes were in corporated.Valid tools were used inthe study to find out apt results. Published in Published byK.GOWRI NAYAKI, DR.

P.SANTHIAcceptability of FMCGs in micro-packs in rural markets are soaring due to a affordability and convenience. In these days, the rural market is one of the best opportunities for FMCG sector in India. Economicsurplus arising out of retail price difference between micro packs and macropacks of FMCGs and consumers opinionwere analysed with the sample size of 300 respondents. The segmentation of rural consumers according to NCEARclassification broughtout, the surplus derived by each of the segment while buying FMCGs in micropacks.Comparative Study Of 25 Cases Open VsLaparoscopic Ventral Abdominal HerniaMeshplasty published in Published by THE GLOBAL JOURNALSDr. Yogesh Modiya, Dr. Kalpesh Parmar, Dr.

His research work aims to study the welfare schemes practiced and safety measures provided for the employees. Safety and welfare are two areas that play a significant role in the achieving productivity and job satisfaction in any organization. As a result of accidents the organization loses a number of man hours and this loss affects a number of man hours and this loss affects the productivity Employee welfare and safety at the workplace is of the work place organization ensure that employees are exposed to a risk level which do not affect their physical emotional and mental health.Also the organization do not encourage any activity which will disturb the work life of the employees.Employees are trained appropriately about the work and about all precautionary measures that will prevent accidents at the work place. Bhaskar Shetty Shree Vidya V 'A Study on Employee Welfare and Safety Measure Practiced in BESCOM Bangalore South' Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 Issue-4, June 2019, URL:

Paper URL: Islam dan Reformasi Wawasan Pendidikan published in Published by SCAD IndependentKamrani BuseriIslamic education including socio-humanistic category that can be developed from its epistemology. Education reforms are absolutely necessary because there has been a weakness of good educational philosophy, theory and operations, with the main focus is the reform of insight. This paper examines the epistemological aspects of Islam as a basic step on education reform governance scheme Islamic thought as Theo anthropocentric, appreciate sensory empirical truth, logic, ethics, and transcendental. Application of this epistemology appropriately be able to overcome the problems of education weaknesses. Results of research paper put forward some Islamic education reform paradigm involves understanding the Islamic system; True intentions as a basic motivation; aware of the position of truth, goodness and beauty; embedded core value of the Divine as well as the characteristics of Islamic education; live up to the family as the initial source of truth; develop the total and holistic personality; and the implementation of the Divine in education management.Evaluation of Retroperitoneal Tumors by ComputedTomography.

Published in Published byDr. Santosh R Konde, Dr. Hariqbal Singh50 cases irrespective of age and sex of the retroperitoneal tumors were evaluated by computed tomography. Histopathological correlation was done by biopsies taken from the lesion. The commonest lesionsfound were renal tumors and retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. Whenever the other Conventional procedures cannotestablish the definitive diagnosis, CT usually provides conclusive evidence.

Hence it may be used either as a primarydiagnostic imaging technique or in the further evaluation of tumours detected or suspected by another diagnostic test.The Comparison of Increasing Method for Petroleum Pits Output (Fluids Dynamic) published in Published by Insan Akademika PublicationsAmir Samimi and Soroush ZarinabadiIt is able to use fluids injection for increasing gas and petroleum`s pits output after exploitation output. In this study we take care for the results of water, gas (CO ), polymer and nitrogen injection.

We take consideration two results, about water injection that is one of the usual methods for increasing the output: 1) Protection of tank pressure 2) for replacing petroleum in tank and following it into the uptake pit. By this method we are able to extract 30% of petroleum that is in the tank, but increasing the water injection percent as improvee mental factor for generation from tank is in long-term. Injection the CO 2 gas leads to increase production of petroleum and gas.

Generally, injection material into the tank gives energy to fluid, and increase the amount of residue petroleum in tank and divides in to two groups: secondary and tertiary. In this study polymeric material as aqueous phase has tested for bedrock, limestone and sandstone. Results of injection into dense petroleum with sandstone bedrock had been shown.

Polymeric solution injection results to increasing the recovery velocity. In this article, it has discussed about each system and finally the proportional system for each tank will consider.Water and sugar levels in ripening of honey inindigenous hive apis cerana indica published in Published by Scientific and Academic AssociationBalasubramanyam, M.V.1, Ramesha Iyyanahalli 1, Jayaram K.M. And Reddy, C.C. 3Honeybees effectuate nectar to honey transformation.

Water and sugar levels were determined in fivestages of honey ripening process of indigenous hive bee A. Cerana indica. The five stages in nectar tohoney transformation comprise floral nectar (FN), honey crop of foragers (hf), honey crop of house bees(hh), unsealed honey cells (uh) and sealed honey cells (sh). Water levels of fn and sh cells was maximum of79.65% and minimum of 21.24%. Monosaccharide, laevulose of fn and sh cells was maximum of 1.75% andminimum of 38.02%, dextrose of fn was lowest of 0.96% and highest of 33.38% in sh stage.

On thecontrary, sucrose of sh cells and FN was 4.11% and 19.50% respectively. Results clearly suggest thatmaximum hydrolysis of sucrose into laevulose and dextrose due the action of invertase occurs in uh stage.Hence, content of laevulose and dextrose were inversely proportional to water and sucrose throughout thefive stages of nectar-honey transformation. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) of water, laevulose,dextrose in ripening of honey was significant at 1% level (p. We are introducing a robot which has the capabilities of being maneuvered on land, flying and videographer. The robot can be controlled on land like a simple robot car by simple connecting to any android application using Bluetooth. The flight mode works using radio transmission for commanding the robot where the robot has a radio receiver attached to its body while the radio transmitter in the form of a remote is held by the user.

The camera will provide the live footage as well as recorded everything on the camera application. 2 separate controllers have been used, a KK2.1.5 Flight controller for the flying capability of the robot and Adriano nano for the car section. Vaibhav Salonia Piyush Preeti Arora 'Land and Flying Robot' Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 Issue-4, June 2019, URL:

Paper URL: SLIDING MODE CONTROLLER FOR DOUBLY FED INDUCTION MOTOR SPEED CONTROL published in Published by University of El OuedY. Ben AttousThis paper, presents a Direct Field-Oriented Control (DFOC) of doubly fed induction motor (DFIM) with a fuzzy sliding mode controller (FSMC). Our aim is to make the speed control robust to parameter variations. The variation of motor parameters during operation degrades the performance of the controllers. The use of the nonlinear fuzzy sliding mode method provides very good performance for motor operation and robustness of the control law despite the external/internal perturbations. The chattering effects is eliminated by a particular function 'sat' that presents a serious problem to applications of variable structure systems. The fuzzy sliding mode controller is designed in order to improve the control performances and to reduce the chattering phenomenon.

In this technique the saturation function is replaced by a fuzzy inference system to smooth the control action. The proposed scheme gives fast dynamic response with no overshoot and zero static error. To show the validity and the effectiveness of the control method, simulation results are performed for the speed control of a doubly fed induction motor. Simulation results showed that improvement made by our approach compared to conventional sliding mode control (SMC) with the presence of variations of the parameters of the motor, in particular the face of variation of moment of inertia and disturbances of load torque. The results show that the FSMC and SMC are robust against internal and external perturbations, but the FSMC is superior to SMC in eliminating chattering phenomena and response time.E Banking ICT Plus Banking for Boosting Businesspublished in Published by IJTSRDMrs. Surekha A Sangrulkar.

Earlier the use of air conditioning for comfort purpose was considered to be expensive, but now a day, it has been a necessity for all human beings. Window air conditioners, split air conditioners are used in small buildings, offices etc. But, when the cooling load required is very high such as big buildings, multiplex, multi story buildings, hospitals etc. Centralized unit central air conditioners used.

The central AC's systems are installed away from building called central plant where water or air is to be cooled. This cooled air not directly supplied to the building rooms. When the cooled air cannot be supplied directly from the air conditioning equipment to the space to be cooled, then the ducts are provided.

The duct systems carry the cooled air from the air conditioning equipment for the proper distribution to rooms and also carry the return air from the room back to the air conditioning equipment for recirculation. When ducts are not properly designed, then it will lead to problem such as frictional loss, higher installation cost, increased noise and power consumption, uneven cooling in the cooling space. For minimizing this problem, a proper design of duct is needed. Equal friction method is used to design the duct, which is simple method as compared with the other design methods. These work gives the combination of theoretical and software tool to provide a comparative analysis of the duct size. It also gives the comparison between rectangular duct and circular duct.

Pruthvi Raj K. Prashanth Reddy Mussan Shankar Reddy B.

Kranthi Kumar 'Design of an Air Distribution System for a Multi Storey Office Building' Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 Issue-3, April 2019, URL: Paper URL: AND VALIDATION OF HPTLC METHOD FOR DETERMINATION OF DARUNAVIR ETHANOLATE IN BULK AND TABLETS published in Published by Dr.

Valentina PetkovaHemant Kumar Jain1., Umakant Jadhav1 and K. Gujar1The aim of present work was to develop a rapid, simple and sensitive, HPTLC method for the quantitative estimation of Darunavir Ethanolate in bulk and tablets. Darunavir Ethanolate was chromatographed on silica Gel 60 F254 TLC plate using Toluene: Chloroform: Methanol (4:4:1 v/v) as mobile phase. Darunavir Ethanolate in methanol was scanned by Camag TLC scanner 4 with UV visible detector over wavelength range 200 to 400 nm. Darunavir Ethanolate showed Rf value 0.46 and scanned at 267 nm using Camag TLC Scanner. The method was linear over the concentration range (300-900 ng/spot), Precision (intra-day variation 2.759, inter-day variation 2.665), accuracy (83.3 to 87.8%) and specificity.

The LOD and LOQ for Darunavir Ethanolate were found to be 100 ng/spot and 300 ng/spot,respectively. The proposed method was accurate, precise and consistent the determination of Darunavir Ethanolate in tablet dosage form. This method was validated as per ICH guideline Q2 (R1). Results suggest that this method can be used for routine analysis of this drug in pharmaceutical industry.RELATIONSHIP OF BODY WEIGHT WITH LINEARBODY MEASUREMENTS IN THREE COLOURVARIETIES OF BENGAL GOATS published in Published byN.K. GHOSHThe present research work was done in Nadia district of West Bengal during January, 2010 to December, 2013. Positive and significant correlation coefficients were observed between body weight and linear body measurements withthe exception of a few cases in all the three colour varieties of Bengal goats. There was a high correlation between body weight and body length,height at withers and chest girth in all the three colour varieties of Bengal goats especially at the age group of 6, 9, and 12 months, indicatingthat body weight and these three traits tended to move together and measurements of any one of these three traits or in combinations may beused to estimate the body weight at a particular age.

From the present study it can be concluded that body weight can be predicted using bodymeasurements considering the correlation coefficients in three colour varieties of Bengal goats reared under village condition.Trash Go Wastepublished in Published by IJTSRDRahul Jayan Ranjana. A Reena Thomas Renin Joy. In today's world waste is becoming a most vital issue that has to be properly taken care. The inadequate waste collection, transport, disposal and treatment is becoming a major environmental challenge in India. The management of waste has attained the highest importance in this era, the volume of waste generated is increasing day to day life. In most of the communities across the world, people are showing negative attitude towards the waste management even though they are well aware of the consequences of improper solid waste management.


Although the municipalities are taking care of the waste management system, they too face many challenges regarding proper treatment of waste due to lack of infrastructure that has been not yet provided by the government. The challenges and barriers of waste management are significant and so are the opportunities. The future is becoming mobile nowadays, the developing new era will be carved by mobile development and digital evolution. Even though new innovations and technologies are arising they still are not being benefited by us due to lack of waste treatment plants. Mobile products and applications are becoming worthy for organisations, stakeholders and common people. Using these applications waste management can effectively done. Aim of this project is to develop a sustainable waste management app emphasizing on recycling, energy generation, effective disposal s and waste prevention Rahul Jayan Ranjana.

A Reena Thomas Renin Joy 'Trash Go Waste' Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 Issue-4, June 2019, URL: Paper URL: and Implementation of Discrete Augmented Ziegler-Nichols PID Controller published in Published by ACEEEVedika V. Patki, D.N.Sonwane, Deepak D. Ingole and Vihangkumar V.

NaikAlthough designing and tuning a proportionalintegral- derivative (PID) controller appears to be conceptually intuitive, but it can be hard in practice, if multiple (and often conflicting) objectives such as short transient and high stability are to be achieved. Traditionally Ziegler Nichols is widely accepted PID tuning method but it’s performance is not accepted for systems where precise control is required. To overcome this problem, the online gain updating method Augmented Ziegler-Nichols PID (AZNPID) was proposed, with the amelioration of Ziegler-Nichols PID’s (ZNPID’s) tuning rule. This study is further extension of 1 for making the scheme more generalized.

With the help of fourth order Runge-Kutta method, differential equations involved in PID are solved which significantly improves transient performance of AZNPID compared to ZNPID. The proposed augmented ZNPID (AZNPID) is tested on various types of linear processes and shows improved performance over ZNPID. The results of the proposed scheme is validated by simulation and also verified experimentally by implementing on Quanser’s real time servo-based position control system SRV-02.Engine Start Features Using Voice Command published in Published by THE GLOBAL JOURNALSV. Naveen kumar,K.

Naveen kumar,S. ArunkumarSpeech recognition applications are becoming more and more useful nowadays. Various interactive speech awareapplications are available in the market. But they are usually meant for and executed on the traditional generalpurpose computers. With growth in the needs for embedded computing and the demand for emerging embedded platforms, it is required thatthe speech recognition systems (SRS) are available on them too. PDAs and other handheld devices are becoming more and more powerfuland affordable as well. It has become possible to run multimedia on these devices.

Speech recognition systems emerge as efficient alternatives for such devices where typing becomes difficult attributed to their small screen limitations.VALERIANA WALLICHII – A RICH AROMA ROOT PLANT - A REVIEW published in Published by Dr. Valentina PetkovaV. Subhadra Devi. and Dr. Gopal RaoPlant extracts from medicinal plants had been used for many centuries, to treat several health disorders. The active constituent present in the plant plays a remarkable role in curing diseases.

In this aspect, Valeriana wallichii is widely used in the indigenous system of medicine. It is also known as Valeriana jatamansi. Different parts of the plant root, rhizome, seed and flower have medicinal values. The root of the plant is specifically rich in aroma. The active constituents present in the plant are alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins and essential oil. The therapeutic action of the plant is due to presence of major chemical constituent flavonoids.

The herb is beneficial in treating insomnia, nervous problem, snake-bite, hysteria and also as analgesics. Many pharmacological activities viz., anti inflammatory,antispasmodic, antipsychotic, antimicrobial, anthelmintic, antioxidant, cytoprotective and had been reported in different plant extracts. Based on many scientific researches this article is reviewed to reveal the therapeutic aspects of the herb for the beneficial for further research.Sentiment Analysis of Feedback Datapublished in Published by IJTSRDPrashali S. Shinde Asmita R. Kanase Rutuja S.

Pawar Yamini U. Paper URL: Utilization Pattern in Upper Respiratory TractInfections in ENT Outpatient Department of TertiaryCare Hospital published in Published bySanjeeva Kumar Goud.Thandu, Rakesh Kumar, Vithal G. Patil, Darshana Dighe, Lalan H. N., Amarendra.singhBACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the drug utilization pattern in Upper Respiratory tractinfections in outpatient Department of Otolaryngology in a tertiary care teaching hospital.METHODS: This was an observational study conducted at the M.G.M. Medical college and hospital, Navi Mumbai for aperiod of 6 months.RESULTS: In 200 URTI patients, 132 were male and 68 were female.

The total numbers of drugs prescribed were 710. Theaverage number of drugs per prescription was 3.55.

Of antibiotics prescribed were 194(27.32%). Out of the totaldrugs, most commonly prescribed drug was xylometazoline 16.33%. 69.85% drugs were prescribed as FDC. Drugs prescribed by brand name were 100%. The average cost per prescription was Rs.115.CONCLUSION:The present study shows the most commonly used drug was combination of Paracetamol+Anhydrase caffine+ Phenylepherine+ Chlorpheneramine Maleate, Nasal decongestant, Antihistamines. Frequent use of FDC and prescriptions by brandname are matters of concern.Effectiveness of Pim on Knowledge &Practice in Oral Cancer Among AdultsAttending out Patient Department AtSelected Dental College & Hospital, Chennai published in Published by THE GLOBAL JOURNALSL.ParimalaObjectives 01. Determine the effectiveness of knowledge and practice in oral cancer before and after PIM.

02.correlate the relationship between knowledge and practice in oral cancer before and after PIM.METHODS: Preexperimental study design was adopted. Non probability convenience sampling technique was used. Pre, post-test was conducted to assessthe level of knowledge on oral cancer by structured interview questionnaire and practice on self mouth examination by checklist, on the sameday teaching was given by PIM.

FINDINGS: Values (t=37.661 at p.