Smeg Oven Serial Numbers

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Good Morning. Fresh from my battle with our Washing m/c. our trusty SMEG A42-5 cooker (serial number 41018) has come out in sympathy too. We were just cooking a yummy Veg lasagne last night when the power tripped out in the Kitchen, the RCD had tripped. First thought was the washing m/c again but it wasn't running at the time. So we unplugged everything/reset the trip then cautiously plugged everything back in.

With all dom. Plugged back in the RCD hadn't tripped. About 10 mins later my ever-luvin' partner informed me that the main oven wasn't heating even though the thermostat was lit and calling for heat (implying the stat is OK to my mind). I think the fault was caused by whatever element that heats up when the main oven (bottom) is in fan mode. Fair assumption? I'm guessing the element momentarily leaked to earth as it went faulty causing the RCD to trip, now its gone open cct and doesn't heat anymore the earth leakage has stopped too. Fair assumption?


We only use the main (bottom) oven as Julie likes the fan assistance feature when cooking so you'd have thought that we could just 'get by' on the top oven for now then yes? Ermmmmmmm nope actually, about 2 years ago (on Christmas day would you believe, the only time we need to use both ovens at once) the stat on the little (non-fan) top oven stuck 'on' incineratin' our nut roast. No bad thing in my book, I hate 'em, nut roasts not top ovens. I think the TOP oven thermostat is stuck 'on' permanently, the element heats OK but there's no control and the indicator late stays on permanently too. So, 2 faults on one cooker then, admittedly I should have attended to the top oven last year but we never use it 'cept for big gatherings of the clan (rare, phew!). I'm guessing fan element for the bottom oven and thermostat for the top oven?

I'm aware as a forum you have to be careful about advice on dual fuel cookers but I'd like to know if it's a do-able proposition for an Electronics Tech to undertake. I'm good at Zannussi washing m/c's y'know All the best Dave the bass. Regular Forum User Posts: 36 Joined: Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:00 am. I had a look at the element, its a triple coil 2700W. Am I right in thinking it's this one?

Oct 15, 2008. To learn how to identify the model number on your oven. The model number is usually essential for most repairs. People make the mistake of assuming that the name and number on the front panel is all you need; many stove manufacturers, however, use the model number as well as the serial number. Smeg User Manuals - Lost your manual? Download it here. You simply need enter the product code shown on the appliance label in the box and select your language, click.

Smeg Oven Serial Numbers Free

I also went into the problem with the top oven thermostat, it's part of the main switchgear for the one by the looks of things, the thermostat is just the little part on the back with the capillary tube coming off I'm guessing. Any idea what part that is in the ukwhitegoods catalogue? In the parts listed under SMEG only the thermostats themselves are show, I take it the switchgear pulls/disconnects from the thermostat? I'm happy to order them both from you fella's if anyone can form part numbers for me, ta.

Smeg Oven Serial Numbers Lookup

DTB Regular Forum User Posts: 36 Joined: Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:00 am. Thanks Mr Penguin, top service. I've metered the fan element, and yes, sure enough it's o/c. So I'll order a 806890386 triple coil fan element from yourselves. The 2nd separate fault.The rarely used top oven thermostat is just 'on' all the time, the indicator lamp and element run flat out even if the temp is set to 50 deg. The switch gear works ie- I can turn off the element, it's just the temp control side that doesn't regulate (hence me thinking it's the thermostat contacts gone s/c. I've checked the top oven over temp fuse on the back of the oven box and it's fine so it hasn't taken that out.

I assumed the thermostat had gone permanently short but didn't check I have to be honest. It's bit of job getting into it as you probably know. I'm tempted to order your recommendation of p/no 818731181 and hope that it is just the thermostat. Does 818731181 come with all the switch gear or is it just the thermostat/capillary tube/probe assembly? I couldn't see a way of separating the thermostat from the switch block. imgTa for the advice and numbers Mr P.

DTB Regular Forum User Posts: 36 Joined: Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:00 am. The parts arrived nice and quick, thanks UKWG. Set to work this morning replacing the fan element and the top oven thermostat. Fan element went in nice and easy but the thermostat was a bit more fiddly of course. Found that the fault on the thermostat actually, where the capillary tube is fed through the oven box, the tube had worn or damaged itself by the looks of things.

Smeg Oven Serial Numbers In Numbers

imgI 'centred' the new capillary tube in the hole so hopefully it doesn't happen again. Nothing else to report really other than both ovens now work beautifully First time in over a year for the top oven in fact! It very rarely gets used.

Once again, many thanks to the fine folk on this forum and the super speedy dispatch of UKWG, another one saved from the landfill. All the best DTB Regular Forum User Posts: 36 Joined: Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:00 am.