Bollettini Postali Progressive
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Revenues from sales and services%Insurance premium revenue%Other income from financial and insurance activities%Other operating income%for the year ended 31 December (€m)20132014inc./ (dec.)20132014inc./ (dec.)20132014inc./ (dec.)20132014inc./ (dec.)Postal and Business Services4,3093,964(8.0)-143110(23.1)Financial Services5,0684,950(2.3)-31540428.374(42.9)Insurance Services-13,7.22,9663,36813.6-Other Services245236(3.7)-154(73.3)Total Poste Italiane Group9,6229,150(4.9)13,7.23,2813,118(28.5)The Group’s Postal and Business services. In addition to movements in non-current assets and working capital, the reduction in net invested capital at 31 December 2014 reflects:.a reduction of €513 million in the net balance of deferred tax assets/(liabilities), primarily due to the increase inthe fair value reserve for BancoPosta’s investments in securities, which generated an increase in deferred taxliabilities;.an increase of €168 million in provisions for risks and charges, primarily due to the effect of the expectedliabilities for restructuring costs.
Bollettini Postali Progressive Online
At 31 December (€m)20132014Financial liabilities51,77055,358Technical provisions for insurance business68,00587,219Financial assets(118,467)(142,687)Technical provisions for claims attributable to reinsurers(40)(54)Net financial liabilities/(assets)1,268(164)Cash and deposits attributable to BancoPosta(3,080)(2,873)Cash and cash equivalents(1,445)(1,704)of which:- Adjusted cash and cash equivalents(559)(778)- Cash subject to investment restrictions(262)(511)- Cash attributable to technical provisions for insurance business(624)(415)Net debt/(funds)(3,257)(4,741). At 31 December (€m)20132014Increase/ (decrease)Inventories145139(6)Trade receivables and other current receivables and assets4,5755,232657Trade payables and other current liabilities(3,390)(3,317)73Current tax assets and liabilities61763417Trade receivables and other non-current assets and liabilities1,1051,253148Working capital3,0523,941889Working capital at 31 December 2014 amounts to €3,941 million, up €889 million compared with the end of 2013.The increase is essentially due to the following.An increase of €657 million in trade receivables and other current receivables and assets.
Bollettini Postali Progressive Bank
Bollettini Postali Progressive Login
The main componentsof this balance include receivables due from the State; in particular, €535 million regards recognition of anamount due from the shareholder which, as provided for in art.1, paragraph 281 of the 2015 Stability Law (Law190 of 23 December 2014), is due to the return of amounts deducted from the Parent Company’s retainedearnings on 17 November 2008 and transferred to the MEF, pursuant to the European Commission’s DecisionC42/2006 of 16 July 2008 (described in greater detail in section 10.1, “Principal proceedings and relations withe authorities”). At 31 December (€m)20132014Increase/ (decrease)Trade receivables and other current receivables and assets4,2134,902689Trade payables and other current liabilities(2,945)(2,656)289Current tax assets and liabilities616604(12)Trade receivables and other non-current assets and liabilities16476(88)Working capital2,0482,926878Working capital at 31 December 2014 amounts to €2,926 million, up €878 million compared with the end of 2013.The increase is essentially due to the increase of €689 million in trade receivables and other current receivables and assets.